Tuesday, March 27, 2012

We're good to go!

I can now say with 100% certainty that not only am I allowed to blog about our service dog process, but I have Canine Assistants wholehearted approval. We had to go through a media lecture, which basically said don't use the logo (that should be self-explanatory, but I know why they said that). They showed us their Facebook pages (they put pics of PUPPIES on there! lots and lots of puppies) and gave us basic social etiquette pointers. Again, it basic common sense, but I realize that a lot of people aren't familiar enough with the internet to know these rules.

We have a late start tomorrow, so hopefully I'll get a chance to catch everything up on the blog. Things are going really well and I've got pics and videos to prove it.

I have a Mika conversation to share quickly. A trainer compared the process of receiving a dog, working on training and taking them home to having toddlers. You have to dog-proof your house, keep up their training, be careful with their food, make sure they get the right food and healthy exercise, etc. After a 0400 potty break, Mika said something to the effect of "Mom, if this is like having a toddler, they are a lot of work." Then Fern hopped up on the bed and cuddled into her and she said "But this makes it worth it." There's a lot of profound in that I think.

1 comment:

  1. Great! So happy to hear this!

    Haha, isn't it funny how kids have NO idea how much work they are?
