Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day 7

This was our off day, the 1 day where the only planned activities were breakfast and supper. In theory, this was the day to sleep in, rest, take a nap, do laundry, etc. In practice, the dogs didn't let anyone sleep in. Fern wanted to go at 0400, so we did get to sleep in until 0800. After that...nothing. We don't have a car, so we can't go anywhere. We aren't supposed to go out on unapproved outing, but we don't have our trainers' numbers to call and ask for permission. We were on our own for lunch, but if you didn't ask for permission or have an extra adult to go on a food run, you were in a pickle. Fortunately, I had to buy a bunch of food for Mika to eat, so we just munched on that for the day.

I've had a hard time with all of the sitting and down time so far. I'm sure this is going to surprise everyone, but I usually have an abundance of energy and it has been known to get me in trouble. By 1300 Mika and I were on each other's nerves. It got so bad that I insisted on a walk around the hotel area. Yes, we just walked up and down the sidewalk watching traffic. I was that desperate. We didn't get far due to a tragic accident involving a low hanging branch, a crack in the sidewalk and a broken flip flop. Still, it helped enough that we are both still alive.

Fern was wonderful, of course. We went down to the area where we eat breakfast with a fellow camper to play ball. That means we shut the doors so the dogs can't escape, take them off the leash and watch them run head first into the tables while they're chasing the ball. Fern is so delicate it's funny to see her go skidding across the carpet trying to avoid going head first into a table while still getting the ball ahead of Hudson (the other, much bigger dog). She runs like a greyhound!

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